How Arguing Well Can Elevate Your Daily Life By Adediran Faizah

Humans have been debating since time immemorial. In ancient Greece, public forums were held where men and women discussed issues of social importance. Debates have always served as a means for societal cohesion, allowing individuals to express their views and defend their beliefs. Today, debates continue on the floors of national assemblies and during electoral campaigns, helping leaders challenge and refine each other’s ideas. While the broader role of debating is well recognised, its benefits are often understated. Excellent debating skills don’t just win arguments or competitions—they elevate personal growth and well-being. Here, we explore nine ways debating can enrich your everyday life. 1. Enhanced Critical Thinking Debating requires critical thinking and the ability to make unique connections between ideas. Regular participation hones this skill, enhancing cognitive abilities such as memory, logic, and visualisation. Through debating, you train your mind to assess complex inform...