Hone It Because You Own It By Sulaiman, Samad Olaitan

What you own, you must refine, right? So, why should your talents, craft, and potential be any different? The future belongs to those who continuously improve themselves. That’s why it’s essential to never stop honing those treasures you carry. Many people have achieved greatness because they've committed to mastering their skills, one step at a time. Empowerment begins with ownership, and true mastery starts with constant refinement.                                                                                                

Honing your craft, talent, or skill is more than just doing things better. It’s about perfecting, sharpening, and enhancing what you already have. Take writing, for example. Writers don’t write just to meet deadlines; they write to create something unique, something that leaves a lasting impression. Every writer faces the same challenge: self-doubt. After all, you can correct what you say, but you can’t undo what’s been written.

How to Hone Your Writing Skills

Think about your audience: How well do you know them? Do you understand their attention span? Do you make time to edit or proofread your work? Better yet, do you invite experts to give feedback on your writing? Writing is your legacy, so it’s crucial to polish it if you want to leave a lasting impact.

To become a better writer, focus on finding your unique voice and perspective. Own your message and take responsibility for delivering it clearly and effectively. When you embrace your style and tone, you communicate naturally and enhance your creativity. Here are some practical tips to sharpen your writing skills:

● Write regularly: Consistency builds improvement.

● Read widely: Exposure to different styles enhances your own.

● Experiment: Try writing in various forms and genres.

● Join writing groups: Feedback from others helps you grow.

● Edit and revise: Be relentless in improving your drafts.


Owning Your Message

Public speaking is no different. Owning your message and its delivery means taking charge of how you engage your audience. You don’t need to be perfect, but you do need to be confident. When you embody authority and show passion for your topic, you command the room. This confidence opens doors to leadership opportunities, networking, and the ability to inspire others.

Here’s what happens when you take charge:

● Effective communication: Your message lands clearly and powerfully.

● Leadership: You gain respect and influence.

● Collaboration: People want to connect with someone who speaks with confidence.

● Inspiration: You motivate others to act and think differently.


Overcoming Challenges

As a writer or public speaker, you’re not immune to challenges like writer’s block, self-doubt, or procrastination. However, there are ways to overcome these hurdles:

● Writer’s block: Change your environment, do warm-up exercises, and take breaks to refresh your mind.

● Self-doubt: Seek feedback from others, focus on your progress, and remember to believe in your potential.

● Procrastination: Set clear deadlines, break tasks into smaller steps, and push yourself to deliver.


The greatest investment you can make is in your voice—whether through writing or speaking. The more you hone it, the more you’ll own it, and the returns will be immeasurable.



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