
The Biggest Storytelling Event in Africa, LISTEN By Sulaiman Samad

The ability to tell great stories is a superpower that transforms words into memorable experiences, forging connections that last a lifetime. It's a transformative hat worn on the hearts of humanity, allowing us to travel through time, shaping and evolving our backgrounds and what defines us as humans. The "LISTEN" event, the Biggest Storytelling Event in Africa, exemplifies this power. Organised by the Lagos State University Debate Society (LSUDS), this event has become a cornerstone for the LASU community and beyond. It has influenced and inspired thousands, enabling listeners to embark on emotional journeys, discover new values and cultures, and continuously learn. LISTEN is not just an exhilarating storytelling experience designed to draw audiences, but a captivating one where speakers tell their personal stories that reforms, transforms, and inform the minds of a larger audience. It’s unmatched in scale among storytelling events on Nigerian institution campuses. Eac


I n the symphony of human expression, language emerges as the virtuoso conductor, orchestrating communication through the melodic dance of words, whether spoken, written, or gestured. It is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as the principal method of human connection, consisting of words used in a structured, conventional way conveyed by speech, writing, or gesture. Language weaves a tapestry of structured dialogue within communities and across nations. Within this intricate framework, the trio of reading, writing, and speaking stands as the eloquent performers, each note playing a vital role in the grand composition of human interaction. At the genesis of learning, oral language — spoken and listened to — feeds reading and writing. Before you can read and write, you learn first to speak and listen. However, as you grow older, reading starts to feed the other components of your language. This means that the more you read, the more eloquent you are at speaking, and the better you get at

Mastering The Art of Leadership by Jimoh Abioye

Leadership is the fine balance of skills and qualities that transform an individual into an effective leader. It involves inspiring and guiding others towards a shared vision, making tough decisions, and fostering a positive and productive environment. It's about being able to motivate and empower others to achieve their full potential.  Leadership is both an art and a science, combining strategy, empathy, communication, and adaptability. Leadership is like conducting an orchestra. A great leader brings together different talents and guides them harmoniously towards a common goal.  To master the arts of leadership, here are a few tips to hold on: LEAD BY EXAMPLE AND PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH: As a leader, you should demonstrate the behaviours and qualities that you expect from your team. It's about being a role model and living up to the standards you set. For example, if you expect your team to be punctual, you should also be punctual. By leading by example, you inspire and mot


In the world of public speaking, where words sway between eloquence and impact, a transformative power emerges, transcending the boundaries of rehearsed and scripted speeches. Imagine a speaker who doesn’t merely utter words but, in an authentic symphony, crafts a narrative that resonates with the audience’s very core. This is the essence of genuine public sp eaking, a journey that begins with the unlocking of one’s authentic voice. A few years ago, there lived a young woman named Titi. Titi harboured a deep passion for public speaking, envisioning herself captivating audiences with her words. However, her journey from a novice speaker to a compelling orator held a crucial lesson, the power of authenticity in practice. Titi’s aspiration led her to join a local public speaking club. She eagerly attended every meeting, absorbing tips and techniques from seasoned speakers.  However, during her initial practice sessions, something felt amiss. The words seemed rehearsed, lacking the genuine


In Economics, there are terms known as needs and wants. Needs are basic amenities that one solely relies on to survive like food, shelter, clothes, good health, etc. Anything that revolves around this circle is a need. Wants, on the other hand, are desires, things that are necessary but secondary like phones, chains, and wallets. As a public speaker, your needs are for your goals to be achieved while implementing knowledge of charisma, elocution, and pause fillers to deliver a dauntless performance and carry your audience along. Also, you want to improve as a public speaker and carve a niche for yourself. Though secondary, these want to take you to the next level in your career and help unleash your hidden potential and passion. To become an expert at hosting an event, delivering a heart-melting spoken word performance or starting your podcast and gaining so many followers or listeners, you have to take that public speaking master class and become certified. Enthusiasm, talent and comm


A wise old bird sat on an oak.  The more he saw, the less he spoke.  The less he spoke, the more he heard.  Why can’t we all be like that wise old bird? - Edwards Hersey Richards I have always been fascinated by this nursery rhyme as a young boy, about this wise old bird that gets wiser as she listens. It is said that we have two ears and one mouth so we can speak less and hear more. As a public speaker, one may struggle with this, as the natural tendency is to speak. However, any communication is incomplete without feedback and feedback can only be received by listening.  Hence, the purpose of this article is to show how well one should listen to his/her audience – both in spoken and unspoken manners. According to data from Oxford Languages, the term ‘listen’ means to give one’s attention to sound or something. It originates from the Old English word of Germanic origin ‘hlysnan’ which means ‘pay attention to’. As a public speaker, it is pertinent to pay attention to your audience wh

Communicating To Win and Persuade: How To Influence Your Audience By Ogunnowo Zainab

Here are some quick questions for you to answer: What is communication? What is the essence of communication? What is an audience? How do you feel, when after a long talk, the person you've been conversing with asks you to start all over again? How do you feel when, after so much persuasion, the person you've been communicating with refuses your call to action? If you had by any chance skipped answering the questions, go back and answer them, because doing so would give you an in-depth understanding of this article. The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defines communication as the concept or state of exchanging data or information. Emphasis on the word "exchange" would help us realise the whole essence of communication. Effective communication entails a lot of messages coming from a sender and accepted by a receiver. The communicator is the sender, and the receiver is the audience. While you communicate, there must at leas